Gone For Walks
Gone For Walks
Audio-visuelle Installation von Felix Gebhard
27. Januar – 22. Februar 2017
Eröffnung am 26. Januar 2017 um 19:00 Uhr.
Gone For Walks ist eine audio-visuelle Installation, bestehend aus Bildern und Ton, eingefangen auf Wanderungen in und um das Dorf Langendorf im hannoverschen Wendland. Der romantische Blick eines Städters auf Landleben und -wirtschaft, Wetter und die Jahreszeiten. Im Nachhinein wurde Musik auf die Field Recordings improvisiert und zu vier Stücken editiert, die als Soundtrack zu neun Fotografien dienen.
Felix Gebhard ist Fotograf und Musiker und lebt in Berlin. Er beschäftigt sich mit experimenteller und instrumentaler Musik. Seine fotografische Bildsprache ist dokumentarisch und selten inszeniert und beschreibt vorgefundene Zustände und Orte mittels eines nüchternen Realismus.
Gone For Walks
Gone For Walks is an audio-visual installation, consisting of photographs and sounds captured during the year 2011 with the help of several portable recording devices and an old medium-format camera, on walks in and around the village of Langendorf in the Hanoverian Wendland, a region by the Elbe river, former border area between East and West Germany. An urbanite’s rather romantic view on rural life and agriculture, weather and the seasons, that probably does not coincide with reality as experienced by people actually working the land.Exhibition runs from January 27th to February 14thOpening on January 26th, 7pm
Gone For Walks is an audio-visual installation, consisting of photographs and sounds captured during the year 2011 with the help of several portable recording devices and an old medium-format camera, on walks in and around the village of Langendorf in the Hanoverian Wendland, a region by the Elbe river, former border area between East and West Germany. An urbanite’s rather romantic view on rural life and agriculture, weather and the seasons, that probably does not coincide with reality as experienced by people actually working the land.Exhibition runs from January 27th to February 14thOpening on January 26th, 7pm